In just over a week it’s World Mental Health Day (10 October) and Community Roots has a number of sessions planned that colleagues and people in our communities can access on the day.
As this theme this year is about prioritising mental health in the workplace, our Community Roots Team is inviting colleagues and partners to events at our two Community Roots sites in Preston and Burnley.
The session in Preston also gives colleagues an opportunity to join a coproduction lab with our Wellbeing Team to brainstorm workplace wellbeing support.
An event called Let’s Talk at the Chai Centre is taking place between 11am and 1pm on World Mental Health Day, Thursday 10 October.
We have teamed up with partners including Shine Coaching, The Wildlife Trust and Lancashire Mind to give people the opportunity to talk about mental health and how this influences our lives, whilst in the workplace as well as in our personal lives.
Lunch will be provided as colleagues, partners and members of the community are invited to speak to partners, look at offers available and start talking about prioritising mental health.
Alternatively, colleagues can drop in to Community Roots @Deepdale between 10.30am and 3pm for a range of activities.
Between 10.30am and 12 noon a session called Our Stories Matter will explore the mediums that we can use to share our stories, what to share and who with, as well as how to reduce the risk of fatigue through repeated re-sharing.
We are often encouraged to separate work and home life, but in reality they are intertwined. So come and explore the relationship between mental health outside and inside of work and what we can do to promote our wellbeing as a holistic process.
Over lunch, between 12 noon and 1pm the new co-produced Deepdale classroom will be revealed to our communities and colleagues, a place to focus on your mental health and wellbeing.
Between 1.30pm and 3pm our Health and Wellbeing Team will be on hand during a Coproduction Lab session and colleagues are invited to bring workplace related tips and lived experience to the session and work together to develop some ideas.